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BIENVENUE SUR LE BLOG DE L'ECRIN Conversations, repas conviviaux en anglais, français, espagnol ou allemand, concerts , expositions, artisanat (tissage, peinture, gravure sur verre), l'Ecrin est un lieu de partage et de rencontres multiculturelles. Ce Blog a pour but de donner toutes les informations utiles aux adhérents, mais aussi de leur permettre de participer, de s'exprimer et de soumettre des projets. Bonne promenade dans notre Blog. Vous pouvez consulter notre nouveau blog lecrinchinon.wordpress.com

2 févr. 2010

Dear Thespians

 Would you be interested in a theatre workshop and/or in taking part in the production of a Christmas pantomime? If so, we are suggesting a meeting at Ecrin on Wednesday 3rd  March at 8pm to throw around ideas and see if indeed it's a feasible project.

I am offering to direct and produce the production and/or run the workshop sessions , after a life time in the  theatre as a professional actress , stage director ,set designer ,drama teacher in Switzerland , USA , France and the UK I feel I'd like to bring a little bit of that Anglo-Saxon fun and culture to Chinon!

So , do please come along if you feel you would like the challenge of dressing up as an ugly sister or simply enjoying being on stage.

Hoping and looking forward to seeing you on the 3rd...

Antoinette de Pourtalès (Toni for short !)

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