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BIENVENUE SUR LE BLOG DE L'ECRIN Conversations, repas conviviaux en anglais, français, espagnol ou allemand, concerts , expositions, artisanat (tissage, peinture, gravure sur verre), l'Ecrin est un lieu de partage et de rencontres multiculturelles. Ce Blog a pour but de donner toutes les informations utiles aux adhérents, mais aussi de leur permettre de participer, de s'exprimer et de soumettre des projets. Bonne promenade dans notre Blog. Vous pouvez consulter notre nouveau blog lecrinchinon.wordpress.com

1 mars 2010


To all those interested in treading those "magical"boards , we are planning a Saturday afternoon theatre workshop at

 2.30pm-4.30pm on the 17th April at l'Ecrin

A theatre workshop is a place where actors work together on developing acting skills , mainly through improvisation , role playing and by exploring the different facets of an interpretation , the use of voice , gesture , movement , imagination , tempo...but most importantly by using relaxation techniques...because and only then can an actor find the nuances and feelings that will bring life to a text and to character !

But, hey! these are just tools...and we are here to have fun and hopefully bring to fruit the original idea of a much suggested Christmas pantomime...
Look forward to seeing you!

A bientôt


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